Saturday 9 July 2011

Religious Revelations

A particularly religious friend of mine was talking about Jesus the other day, and how even though most people view him as a white caucasian american looking dude, in all probability...he was actually likely to look fairly middle-eastern, being a hebrew and what not.
And it got me thinking, if Jesus was around often would he be selected for 'random' searches at airports....i wonder....most likely all-the-time.........let's face it, it's people rockin' the jesus look (hobo hair on top and around the face) who don't to be very successful hitch hikers, combine that with middle eastern features and you've got the alarm bells ringing in the heads of every person (including paranoid airport staff) with even slighty racial tendencies....which is sad of course.....but also little bit funny to imagine. Ok, Mr Je-sus of Nazereth? Yea, you've been selected for a random thorough search, you're gonna have to come with me.

Once again Google images triumphs in finding an awesome picture, regardless of what I searched

yes, this is bit mentally random, but then...this is a blog called Sandwich of Dreams, so you know, whatever

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