Tuesday 19 July 2011

More to come

I feel the need to write, it's something I want to be doing regularly....to hone my writing style....to express what I feel needs expressing and to see if it actually helps me to broaden in a literary sense.
But, lately i'm struggling to find the inspiration, actually it's more of a struggle to harness said inspiration.  Typically, Sod's Law prevails in the regarding.  It invariably strikes at the wrong time, the inopportune moment, 3.00am at a friends house, behind the wheel of a moving car, during a shower or other such shenanigans. I'm sure you're all familiar with that feeling, the great idea/the passion-filled project you've been searching for, unobtainable at the farthest corner of your mind only surfaces when there's no chance of finding a means of writing it down, be it via pen & paper or laptop. I suppose that's what they call "being in the moment", freeing yourself from the need to record everything and choosing instead to just experience it there...in the 'then and now'....or maybe its just because if you actually recorded it, you might realise it's actually not quite as outstanding as you had previously imagined, like so many mundane photos of a night out that had, at the time, not seemed so mediocre....or a torn up script for a skit about Dennis the Repeatably Misunderstood Taxidermist, this shit just seems so much funnier when I'm sitting on my throne.

Even I can't make creepy taxidermy funny, no-one should try

Disregarding the ramble above, my point is that I don't want to force things, i'd rather the words  flow off the top of my head, even ignoring all sense and not even attempting to stay on topic, perhaps i'm just being romantic...I don't know.........who even cares? This blog entry was supposed to be a ridicule of  recycling and how much I loathe people who think they are saving the world, one washed out yogurt pot at a time......maybe we'll have more on that later

It's mighty refreshing to write something serious, yet undirected for a change, without the need to make fun, rant or make any kind of point. Refreshing though it may be, I don't feel it suits me....we'll see what comes of this.......I make no promises, for fear I couldn't possibly stand by them.

Slow down, give it time
Still life, you know I'm listening
The moment that you want is coming if you give it time
Wise words, silly haircuts

Saturday 9 July 2011

Religious Revelations

A particularly religious friend of mine was talking about Jesus the other day, and how even though most people view him as a white caucasian american looking dude, in all probability...he was actually likely to look fairly middle-eastern, being a hebrew and what not.
And it got me thinking, if Jesus was around today.....how often would he be selected for 'random' searches at airports....i wonder....most likely all-the-time.........let's face it, it's people rockin' the jesus look (hobo hair on top and around the face) who don't to be very successful hitch hikers, combine that with middle eastern features and you've got the alarm bells ringing in the heads of every person (including paranoid airport staff) with even slighty racial tendencies....which is sad of course.....but also little bit funny to imagine. Ok, Mr Je-sus of Nazereth? Yea, you've been selected for a random thorough search, you're gonna have to come with me.

Once again Google images triumphs in finding an awesome picture, regardless of what I searched

yes, this is bit mentally random, but then...this is a blog called Sandwich of Dreams, so you know, whatever