Monday 6 June 2011

Step one; Fried Chicken

I thought it would be fitting to begin SoD of (off) with a look into a true sandwich of dreams.

There it is.....Perfection

The Double Down....quite the sandwich, so i'm told, and a small (but still larger than it should be) part of my upcoming trip to the states....not to mention highly anticipated
I've never made it to the West Coast before, and my main reasons for going are mostly to surf the coast, see a dear friend, who I haven't seen for some time and fulfill a long held dream of west coast road trippin'. Nevertheless, the food I eat will play an important part in the whole experience, like it or not it's part of the culture....a part i hold dear to me....around the stomach region. As such, from the first double down at the airport, to the red lobster drive through and the final taco bell....I will endeavor to photograph everything I eat in the states....and occasionally some nice sights or whatever. Like I said, it's important dammit!

God bless my arteries! 

New starts, old bread, third beginnings

Hello and welcome, if you're just joining us from here you'll already know a lot about me and what you're reading, if not...then I suggest you start reading up, as you won't find an explanation here (no wait, here it comes). This blog will simply be used as a way of recording my future observations and musings about the little things...random and sometimes larger than expected, though they may be.
It is a collection of ideas, poor punctuation and spelling mistakes, intended mostly for your truly, though you do have my whole and heartfelt permission to enjoy it as you will. 
So without further ado, let the Sandwiches of Dreams begin..........

Thanks google images!